Housing initiatives

Select­ed links to hous­ing solu­tions for old­er artists in the UK and beyond.

Artists hous­ing

Baba Yaga Place (Cana­da) 

MPTF Foun­da­tion, Los Angeles

PAL (Per­form­ing Arts Lodges), Canada

Rad­i­cal Resthomes, Cana­da 

Rosa Speirs House (The Netherlands)

UK Retire­ment Hous­ing, Frank Knight 2014 

A House for Artists: A new mod­el of afford­able hous­ing and civic engage­ment Cre­ate London

West­beth Artists Housing

Bow Arts London

Casa Ver­di


Coop­er­a­tive Hous­ing Ireland

Cana­da examples

Nim­ble Spaces (Ire­land)

Old­er Wom­en’s Cohous­ing, Bar­net, Lon­don – a short­list­ed project in 2016 Hous­ing Awards. 

Film on OWCH’s his­to­ry and devel­op­ment through res­i­dents’ inter­views.

UK Cohous­ing Network

Women’s Hous­ing Ini­tia­tive Man­i­to­ba (US)

Inter­gen­er­a­tional housing

Art Cart: the lega­cy project, The Research Cen­ter for Arts and Cul­ture (RCAC), USA , includes video

Bricks, Mor­tar and Pol­i­cy Per­spec­tives for Inter­gen­er­a­tional Liv­ing, August 2015, Hous­ing LIN

Cohab­it Que­bec (Cana­da) www​.cohab​i​tat​.ca/​j3RB/

Day care for chil­dren com­bined into elder care facil­i­ty USA 

TED talk on inter­gen­er­a­tional co-hous­ing as an anti­dote to iso­la­tion and lone­li­ness pre­sent­ed by archi­tect Grace Kim 

Old People’s Home for 4‑year old